Craft Brew Social Hour & Illuminators’ Special Event

Craft Brew Social Hour & The Illuminators Special Event

After a productive day, join your colleagues for the Craft Brew Social Hour and taste some of the Golden State’s impressive variety of craft beers. California produces more craft beer than any other state – nearly 3.8 million barrels this past year! And its popularity is only growing – in the past 12 months the number of operating breweries grew by over 20%.

While you enjoy a “cold one” you’ll be entertained by the Illuminators’ “Special Event”. For more than 80 years, The Illuminators have brought a tradition of entertainment and camaraderie to the CGA Strategic Conference. Your paid conference registration includes two Special Event tickets that include a chance to win. Come cheer on your favorite CGA Board Member & Illuminator Officer team. The Special Event proceeds benefit The Illuminators’ industry scholarship program.

We thank The Illuminators for their longstanding contributions to the CGA Strategic Conference, including their generous hosting of our outstanding social events and meals.